Dana Kaplan, Outright
The Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2015 data shows that youth who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) are more likely than their heterosexual peers to engage in high risk behaviors, including physical fighting at school, smoking tobacco, drinking … Read More
ParentIN Press Release 11.15.17
ParentIN press release 1117
Hey, parents. Do you know when is a good time to talk with your kids about marijuana?
Now. And tomorrow. And many other days after. Research shows that parents are the #1 reason young people decide not to use drugs and alcohol. So, talk to your kids about marijuana and other drugs early and often. No matter … Read More
Always On? Raising Media Savvy Kids in our Digital Age
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed in the ever-changing, ever-growing worlds of technology and media? Many parents today struggle to keep up and stay ahead of the kids. With gadgets like cell phones that can access the internet, video game consoles … Read More
When is the right time to talk with my kids about alcohol use?
If you haven’t had a conversation with your child about drinking and drug use yet there is no time like right now! Or you can look for what people sometimes refer to as “teachable moments.” A teachable moment is an … Read More